The street procession from Ngor Hian Shrine around Ban Kien village from the story Phuket's Nine Emperor Gods' Festival.

The bladed ladder climbing ceremony at Samkong shrine from the story Phuket's Nine Emperor Gods' Festival.

Today Daw San Mya Khaing (29) and her son, Myo Thant Zin (3) from the story Medical Action Myanmar.

An afternoon of fun for all the children who use the HIV services at the Tun clinic from the story Medical Action Myanmar.

Thi da Aye (31) visits the Tun clinic in Shwe Pyi Thar township from the story Medical Action Myanmar.

Ma Pyone Yee (41) sits at home with her 4 year old daughter Key Sin Pho whilst talking to her Adherence Outreach Support worker (AOS) from the story Medical Action Myanmar.